Hailing from the sunshine state and now a transplant to Brooklyn, New York, ME&CO. Joy Handmade was birthed out of the sheer need for simplicity when I travel.

As a self proclaimed nomad before starting a family, I made it a challenge to see how light I could pack even when traveling across the country.  I made it down to one backpack, but found my toiletry bag over run with product.  What if I couldn’t find my favorite brand name face wash in a foreign country?  How could I supplement?  I had to dwindle it down to simple ingredients with a multipurpose use.  Our staple product, the ultra-hydrating Body Butter Oil, helped me get down to what I really needed without all the filler.  Made some for my mom.  Shared it with my sister.  And the rest is history.  It’s the only moisturizer I use on my child’s skin and hair, and my partner keeps a bottle in his car ready for access at a moments notice.  

My goal for ME&CO. Joy Handmade is to sincerely help others find joy in the little things.  And that joy, I believe,  truly comes from recognizing the beauty in simplicity…in all things.

At ME&CO. Joy Handmade, we believe in the power of simplicity.

Our philosophy is rooted in finding joy in the little things and recognizing the beauty of nature. We believe that true wellness comes from using natural ingredients that are sustainably sourced and grown in nature.

Our commitment to simplicity means that we do not rely on empty promises or brand names. Instead, we focus on providing our customers with product that serve multiple purposes and are essential to their daily routine. We believe in the power of natural healing and strive to make it accessible to everyone.

Our product are handcrafted with care and love and cater to all your wellness needs. Perfect for those looking to simplify their medicine cabinet and incorporate natural ingredients into their daily routines.